Registration forms are all due to our registrar by the second meeting your daughter attends. Parents must stay at any meeting your daughter attends if all required forms are not complete.  All required forms are due September 23, 2024 - please bring signed copies to the first or second Troop meeting.  

Required Registration Forms 

Troop Policy and Guidelines - All families must review all the policies documented on this website and complete this parent signature page. (1/family)

Health and Medical History Form - All registered members (girls and adults) of AHG must complete the Health and Medical portion of this form every year. The form is a fillable pdf. We recommend downloading, adding text in your favorite pdf reader/editor, and saving a copy in case you need to change something later or revise it for next year.

Troop Meeting Permission Slip - Must be completed prior to girl participation in any AHG Troop activity.  You may not leave your daughter at a Troop Meeting unless this form is turned in, so if you are unable to stay for the first meeting, we need your form.  This form is also a fillable pdf.  (1/family; list all girls)

Level Award Intention Form - Because Level Awards are (usually) a multi-year effort, we ask every Tenderheart, Explorer, Pioneer, and Patriot to fill out this form. This will help us to ensure your daughter is given the appropriate leadership opportunities.  (Not applicable for Pathfinders.)

Required Forms (to participate in certain outdoor or water activities) 

Swim Test Classification Form - Must be completed for all Girl and Adult Members who will be participating in any activity involving water more than ankle deep. (Good for 3 years ) This form is signed by a lifeguard, swim instructor, swimming coach, or water safety instructor

High Adventure Medical Form - All participants taking part in a "Restricted High Adventure Activity" must complete the form prior to participating in the activity. Restricted high adventure activities include, but are not limited to: boating, canoeing, sailing, cave exploring, downhill skiing, flying, horseback riding, whitewater kayaking, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, rappelling, and challenge courses. This form is signed by a doctor. It is easiest to have it completed at your annual exam, but many offices will fill it out if they have seen your daughter recently. Fillable pdf.

Optional Forms

Request for Administration of Medication - Must be completed and returned to the troop leader if medication must be dispensed during any AHG Troop activity.

Troop Transport Form - Transport Form to be filled out by adult drivers and kept on file with Troop records. This is if you are transporting any girls outside your family. Failure to fill out this form will make you ineligible for AHG insurance coverage. Fillable pdf. Generally, we will ask for this form if we anticipate needing it.

Additional Forms

AHG At Home Achievement Tracker - Record badges, faith awards, service hours, camping, and sports pin work completed outside of troop events.
Once received and validated, the item will be awarded at the next scheduled Troop award ceremony. The deadline for report presentations, so there is time to order badges, will be announced.

Expense Reimbursement Request - Must be completed to receive reimbursement from the Troop budget.

Scholarship Request Form - Used to request financial help for Troop dues or fees.

Troop Incident Report Form - This form will be filled out by the Troop Safety Coordinator  or Troop Coordinator and submitted to AHG Inc. when appropriate.

Troop Meeting Badge Work Report - This report is at the sign-in table at each meeting. The Unit Leaders each fill it out. It is then used to enter the progress into TroopTrack based on the attendance (sign-in) sheet.

Troop Activity/Event Permission Slip Template - Trip, Activity, or Event Permission Slip Template - Used when creating a permission slip for an event.

Parent Meeting / New Parent Documents 

Registration Checklist - Checklist for registration steps.

Quick Reference - A quick glance reference sheet for new parents who are getting lots of information.

AHG Handbook Cheat Sheet - Need to know where something is in the Girl Handbook or where to find something from the Tenderheart/Explorer version in the Pioneer/Patriot edition?  This is the sheet for you!  

Troop Orientation Packet 2024-2025 - The Troop Orientation Packet will serve as a resource for your family to understand how our troop works. The last page will need to be signed by the girl and parent and turned into the troop. 

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2024 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved